
1 | 80007 Polacanthus Deluxe 1:20 Scale L 27.5 x H 13 cm L 10.8 x H 5.1 in 3 | 80005 Dreadnoughtus Deluxe 1:100 Scale L 32 x H 23.5 cm L 12.6 x H 9.3 in 2 | 84241 Polacanthus Deluxe Window Box 1 2 3 The Age of Dinosaurs - Deluxe Range │010-011 2 | 88343 Scelidosaurus Deluxe L 22.6 x H 7.9 cm L 8.9 x H 3.1 in 3 | 89162 Scelidosaurus Deluxe Window Box 1 2 3 1 | 88943 Pteranodon sternbergi with Movable Jaw 1:20 Scale L 15 x H 13.5 cm L 5.9 x H 5.3 in 4 892900 889436